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Europa Conference League Spielplan Gruppenphase

UEFA Europa Conference League 2023-2024: Complete Overview of Current Group Stage Standings

Latest Updates on the Conference League Standings

The group stage of the UEFA Europa Conference League 2023-2024 is currently underway, with the latest standings providing an exciting look at the competition's upcoming knockout stages. Several clubs have already secured their spots in the knockout rounds, while others are still vying for a chance to advance.

Group A

In Group A, West Ham United currently leads the standings with four wins and one draw, followed by Anderlecht, FCSB, and Silkeborg IF. West Ham has already qualified for the next round, while the remaining three teams are competing for the second qualification spot.

Group B

Group B is led by Fiorentina with four wins and one draw, followed by İstanbul Başakşehir, RFS, and Hearts. Fiorentina has also secured a spot in the knockout stages, while the other three teams are in contention for the second qualifying position.

Group C

Villarreal is the clear leader of Group C, having won all five of their group matches so far. Lech Poznań sits in second place with three wins and two losses, followed by Austria Wien and Hapoel Be'er Sheva. Villarreal has already qualified, and Lech Poznań is well-positioned to join them in the next round.

Other Groups

The remaining groups are still highly competitive, with several teams in contention for qualification. Some of the notable teams in the mix include AZ Alkmaar, Nice, and Partizan. The final matches of the group stage will be played on November 3, 2023, which will determine the full lineup for the knockout stages.
